Keep Smiling?

  • Up, Down, Turn it all around

    Soooo this week has been full of ups and downs, the memories, the emotions...I don’t know how to feel, should I be feeling anything, I’m not out of the woods yet so is there actually anything to celebrate.. half of me wants to go ‘Hell Yeah you made it to a year since your diagnosis’ and the other says ‘Don’t count your chickens just yet’

    A Bit Of My History

    It’s been a year since I was rushed into hospital…

  • The Inner Naughty Voice (31/7/18)

    Making decisions has never been one of my strong points...

    Anybody who knows me, knows I’m the people pleaser.  Every decision I have made for as long as I can remember has always been based around keeping as many people around me as happy as possible even if it meant squishing my own thoughts to the bottom of the pile where they tended to get lost or forgotten amongst the more louder verbal opinions of others. 

  • Packed, Mentally Ready and the Teeth Interrupted

    Apologies for not writing in my blog... 

    The last month has been so full of appointments with so many different doctors and consultants and tests ready for my STC that there just never seemed to be time to just sit for two minutes and type out all the emotions I’m feeling.  

    The endless lists of things I needed to get together and conversations with friends and family that I didn’t want to have but they needed to…