Stage 4 Bowel Cancer has led to a Liver Resection

1 minute read time.

So, after emergency surgery for Stage 4 bowel cancer in March, waking up to a stoma and three months of folfirinox, I'm now due a liver resection for the 4 mets in my liver, next week. Look out QE, here I come!

Looking forward to having it removed (as much as you can look forward to surgery) but nervous about the recovery and for the second time this year trying to get back to some sort of normality .

Finally got some hair back on my head, which is quite nice even if it is barely much more than a skin head! Down side, I now have to shave my legs, I'd quite got used to not bothering with that!

I'm also planning on some exercises in hospital to slow down the muscle wastage from being in bed for a prolonged period of time. Very basic exercises, recommended really for the over 65's (I'm not) but I'm thinking with all that my body will have been through; that might be the best way to start.

Fingers crossed for a gentle recovery on the way to Christmas and then we'll see what the New Year brings. Most likely more chemo, I'm hoping less aggressive as the first round really wasn't my favourite thing to do!

I'm trying to work out if I have anything I should add to a bucket list; I think I might be quite boring in comparison to most. I seem to want little more than the odd concert or show and some holidays. There is a little part of me that wouldn't mind learning to ride a motorbike; I just don't want to have to buy one... in case I'm no good. Or maybe have a go in a supercar. Then equally I am quite happy to observe others in their pursuit of speed.

I'm taking part in a clinical trial and I'm part of a research project at the QE; kind of hoping that in some way it will make all of this worth while somewhere down the line. If not for me or even this generation of people with these illnesses; eventually to pave the way for more medical research.

Wishing everyone on here, the very, very best 
