Support in the community

5 minute read time.

Sorry this is a long one so grab a cuppa!!!  My sis was diagnosed early December 2018 with stomach cancer.Was told that if surgery was her choice due to heart and kidney problems she would probably die on the operating table. So palliative care was started.I am starting this blog 3 months after the initial diagnosis.Sis has been so accepting of the cancer.Early on sis was getting pain relief from very bad arthritis due to the oxynorm pain relief that she said" I know I am dying but I have never felt so well".How things have spiralled downwards.She is suffering so badly with vomitting everything back.Only drinking sips of water and 2 TSP of soft semolina,porridge come straight back No medicine is helping and vomits every few minutes It is heartbreaking as I can do nothing.So here we are with me coming to stay for about 5 days every 8 days or so, and help care for my sis try and take a bit of pressure of her husband who is 84 walks badly and needs a cataract operation.Support from others is virtually non existent due to distance and their own health problems.5 days ago sis stumbled and had been in bed since as knee is swollen and now has gout in both big toes.Just how unbelievable is that!!!as if she is not suffering enough.Anyway I will cut to the quick.Her own doctor great ,emergency district nurse  have been great at coming out and filling in forms etc((I call it covering their own backsides).Sis was catheterised three days after taking to bed as she really cannot move her leg without literally screaming with pain.I was due to come and stay so sis and husband did not tell me she had been in bed for three days.They did not want to bother me !!!!Honestly I was so mad at not been told they thought they were been kind  to me.But obviously I said I would stay as long as needed.I have a wonderful supportive partner and son at home so that helps so much.The third day when I arrived was full of doctors district,nurses,community nurses and another group who I am sorry to say I never got to know who they really were!!!Before the catheter was put in sis had been peeing best she could manage in a pyrex bowl.With not eating much luckily she did not need to have a poo.But she would want one  sometime so I asked all the visiting nurses and doctors for a bed pan,unbelievable reply they are not provided,also asked can a bed cage be provided to keep blankets of gouty feet and swollen knee,nope not provided!!A hospital bed was booked by them to be delivered day 4,so I asked can a pat slide be provided to slide sis from her own bed to hospital bed(no help offered by any of the services for transferring of sis to hospital bed,which is just erected by delivery men)Now I am 65 I cannot lift or pull with my arms,my partner cannot do either due to back probs,my son is away on business,sis hubby just too old and not strong enough.So called their son who has problems driving a busy road for 30 minutes after working all day!!! to come and help. He left work early,we found a cupboard door in garage to use as a temp sort of pat slide(to hell with health and safety eh!!!) and awaited the bed.It never arrived.Phoned the office it was shut at17.05. By then we had created havoc emptying bedroom as much as we could to make room for the hospital bed.Total bloody mess and mayhem,draws items of clothing,bedside cabinets,table moved wherever we could find a space,you get the picture????And no one called to help wash sis so I did my best for 3 days.Orderd a bed pan and cradle which arrived today (forgot to say I made a temp cradle from a bigcardboard box)doctor called it a rabbit hutch!! but it served the purpose.By now I am so tired out,caring for a totally bedbound sis who can not move herself more than an inch or so, with no help has-been exhausting and I feel shattered.This afternoon we got rescue,tomorrow sis is going into hospice for respite care,so very very thankful.I feel that care for my sis was shocking.If I had not been there,sis would have laid in bed with minimum hygine care.Her elderly husband left totally alone to do best he could.I am disgusted at the total lack of concern and care.I did ask what was my sis supposed to do if she did want a poo,answer was shit on pads and clean it up.Problem,no pads provided.Would try and arrange  something following day.nothing materilised.Animals get more care shown.So this is how care in the community has sunk to, no bedpans no bedcradles,no help to transfer to a hospital bed,told to shit on non existent pads,no hygine wash help.No instructions on catheter care (good job I was many years working as H.C.A so know importance of infection risks.)So if you are reading this don't be surprised at the fact when you really really need help,you are prepared for nothing.My tip make certain you have your own bed pan and pads/incontinence sheets.Another tip save empty plastic milk bottles to empty catheter bags into.Final tip,wish that you never get ill and need help in your home.What really really has hurst is my sis who now feels quite ill could see how we were having to manage.She was in tears at causing us so much trouble.It was no trouble I love my sis.I feel rotten as I got angry with sis as I was trying to pack items for hospice stay,one to take and another for her hubby to take when 1st case used,just so difficult to locate items.How could I be angry with my lovely sis who is suffering in pain and dying.,I am now crying just feel utter contempt at my anger.Never ever thought I would show anger at this stage of my sister's dying weeks.Yea I suppose it is just an accumulation of weeks of travelling back and forth etc giving me exhaustion but to be angry and show it I hate myself.

  • FormerMember

    Yesterday 23/03/18 My sis went into Hospice for two weeks respite care or as they put it going to a hotel for a break.I cannot express how much this is helping to lift that mantle of feeling of constantly been aware of my sisters and brother in laws needs. Today at my home I feel first time since December,inside myself at ease knowing sis is having understanding proper care.I have phoned her hubby and he is also feeling much the same.My sisters time is getting less, I really wonder how you carers who go on and  on constantly giving care day after day months and in some cases years of care, manage to stay sane.I also wonder if anyone has ever been tempted to have a few mls of the pain relief just to take the edge of things???? Not done or even thought of it for me but wonder if it does happen.Not something anyone would admit to to but if you have I can truly understand why you have.A glass or two of wine just makes me sleepy.Gone are the days when I could drink a bottle or more and be  a chatty happy awake for hours person.But I have reflected on my health, and I am now reducing my pain tablets, with the hope to manage with only the odd parecetomol. I believe that the years of taking drugs for various ailments that my sister has, is the reason for her stomach cancer.She had treatment for stomach ulcers and from there the cancer grew.            Her hubby visited this afternoon and told me they have inserted a cannula in my sisters upper left arm and are giving all pain relief from that.Giving her nothing from her home dossett box.She still cannot manage to eat or drink much due to the constant gipping, but she does feel easier at having her care in the hospice. Sis said she hopes that she dies soon as she says she can feel no pleasure living her days now feeling so ill.Besides the cancer,heart and kidney problems,arthritis, torn ligament in leg, gout in both big toes she has now got very sore gums.Sis said that this is a sign your immune system is breaking down an indication that she will not last a lot longer. I wish she would just die in her sleep.It is my sisters wish oh I hope she gets this wish granted. We have had time will never be enough time you can never say enough I love you, so the end would be terrible but oh what a relief.I hope that reading this you are not shocked. I want to be with her every minute but giving every minute was near killing me (bit of an exasturation,but other words fail me right now), Bought her a new nightie today (thank goodness for on line ordering) 100% cotton as sis requested, so she will feel and look good!!!!  I live miles away, I do not drive, cannnot manage buses, trains and taxis are well wow that much!! My partner will take me to visit. But does anyone else get fed up of having to relliy on others. I hate not been independant for transport. 

  • FormerMember


    Sis has been in hospice 8 days now.For 6 days she was feeling so much better.Steroids had helped with the swelling in her throat (initially given for gout in her feet 9 days ago) and her vomitting did reduce a bit.But now it is not good.The steroids can only be given for a short time as they reduce been effective, which is what seems to be happening from yesterday.She has deteriorated in just three days.We went on Thursday and on Saturday.I spoke to sis today and I can hear her voice has changed,slower,her vitality has gone,and she did not say goodnight tonight as usual but goodbye.Oh I know sis will probably be here tomorrow, but it seems her fight and optimism has left her. She has told me what clothes she wants to have on in her coffin, an outfit she looked beautiful in last year.Her decision is to have a closed coffin,does not want people seeing her,not even me when she is gone.Remember me as I was sis, she said.Time has gone so quick since December, do not seem to have done or said all I want,time is such a precious thing isn't it? The hospice has had sis on a syringe driver since admission.She was feeling so good talk of going home, care twice a day sorted, time for us to enjoy our company.Not going to happen now is it. Hope that I can end up with egg on my face, and next bit of blog has me saying sis is home and coping well. The care is Hospice is without fault.When you enter the building it is so peaceful, the staff are kind.I know she is receiving the best care and that helps so much for me to cope.This is disjointed I seem to be fluttering from one comment to another,but thats how I feel, disjointed from reality.I don't want to feel the reality of my sis facing a cruel disease.The patient in bed next to sis had steak and chips today.My sis cannot sip water without pain.Told me not to buy her any more new nighties as they will only be wasted.I just bought her 6 tubs of evening primrose cream, sis told me to keep them for myself.No more to be said really.I wonder if others caring feel as I do? 

  • FormerMember

    Egg on my face yeahhh!!!Well Sis has had a stent put in today.It went well and she returned to hospice a few hours later.It was a choice sis made.She was told that withourequired.It ould probably die by Monday,she may not tolerate stent insertion,and if that was the case they promised that she would just be given drugs sufficient to not face any more pain and sleep away.Now she hopefully be able to drink without gagging every few minutes.Sis said I am starving to death,what a horrible word to hear.But now if all goes as it should,fingers crossed etc,sis will have liquids only for a few days then soft food If the cancer spreads beyond toleration and other health issues so not kick in,the hospice say that the stent can be replaced if needed.Sis will only have another month or so but if she can be comfortable with the syringe driver,not gagging every few minutes,sipping liquids,maybe melting about of chocolate in her mouth,it will be a good time for us to make most of.It really feels like good times have comeback.One thing we were told that we were not aware of is that the liquid oxynorm that sis was taking is absorbed within seconds of been taken and even though she was sicking up white frothy liquid very soon after taking the oxynorm enough would have been absorbed to have been effective,wish we had known that long ago.Sometimes it seems useful info only becomes knowledge quite a while later.So if all goes well sis will be coming back home

    I am going home (stayed with my brother in law incase it did not go well) and will return day before sis comes home to stay a few days,go home for a few days and so on as required.It is hard caring and rewards are that you do care and when looking back you know that the love you gave and on goodish days you got returned is what makes it worthwhile.Hang in all our fellow carers,memories are what we are making.Group love hugs and cuddles for us