Stomach cancer, stent inserted.Leaving Hospice and coming home!!!

1 minute read time.

23/3/18 My Sis went into hospice for some respite care.She was spitting up white froth and gagging every few minutes.So a stent was inserted 7/4/18 and that did stop the spitting up and gagging.But it is painful for Sis all time where stent was inserted, she says only time she is without pain is when she is asleep Hospice say this should get easier,but I have my doubts,though I will not pass my doubts on to Sis.Drinking a little and has even enjoyed a liquidised doll sized meal,so that was good.Sis has astounded everyone with her determination to remain positive in her outlook.The hospice said they wished that a time of expected life remaining was not given by doctors,"They are not God and no one knows how long they have to live" the hospice staff said.In first week of December 17 Sis was given around 4 months,and here she is 4 and half months later,going home on Monday!!! She is not stong,her syringe driver is back in place, after an awful 12 hours when it was removed and oral med given which did not give pain relief needed.So we accept that will be in place permantly.Sis is sleeping more,but when awake is completely awake, not rambling or talking daft but still my Sis making comments that make me smile!!!   A fantastic home care package is is place,twice a day calls at first but can be four visits up to 3/4 of an hour if needed.Nurse calling daily. I am going to stay first week as her hubby is having an unavoidable operation 5 days after Sis comes home.But with Sis having her personal care been done it leaves me free to spend quality time with her.Looking forward to the forthcoming time? Well yes and no. Yes as who knows how long Sis will be my Sis,before drugs are upped to keep her pain free and the slide into long sleep begins. No because no time will be long enough. But we never expected Sis to be coming home, we thought Hospice was it. So everyone reading this there are still nice suprises when in your heart you had little hope of any.
