Large Diffuse B Cell Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

1 minute read time.

Hi, I have just completed 6 cycles of r chop which was gruelling but I have got through it with one infection and I’m up and about. Eating well, getting lots of exercise and feeling well. I do get indigestion following on my treatment for a few weeks and take omeprazole to ease it and a lot of peppermint tea.

My half way scan showed the treatment was effectively treating my lymphoma but also showed a slight thickening in my gut lining but told me it was not a cause for concern and if it shows on my last scan which I’m anxiously waiting on an appointment for I will need to be scoped. This is a bit of a worry but I do have IBS and diverticular disease mild and my stool sample recently came back clear so praying it’s not sinister. 

I had a clot in my arm near the sight of my swollen lymph gland and an still  having blood thinning injections. I have finished my treatment but still feel a sensation in one part of my arm has anyone else experienced this just to stop me worrying that the lymphoma hasn’t cleared from there. Overall I am feeling well and can lie in bed on this arm ok.

Just wanted to ask anyone when they completed their 6 r chop did you feel well but still have some twinges here and there. Is this ok? 

Can they give you more treatment if necessary?

From a nervous lady waiting to be scanned and then even more nervous waiting on results. Thank you
