Irby with Myeloma

1 minute read time.

I'm 78 and at the beginning of 2020 my left leg began to increasingly get more painful and in August my thigh bone fractured, and I had an operation and was fitted with an IM Nailing.

Whilst in hospital I had numerous Blood tests, X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans which showed I had Cancer.  In October 2020, a Pet scan showed cancer had spread, and then I had several biopsies which eventually by December 2020, proved conclusive that I had Myeloma Cancer of the Bone and Marrow, and my Consultant Haematologist started me on Chemo.

I'm being treated by Chemo by capsules in a 28-day cycle 21 days treatment 7 days rest then the next cycle. the latest Pet scan has shown that the lesions have spread further. I'm now on the 13th Cycle and have been told that the latest blood tests show that I have gone into remission, but I must continue the treatment but with modification to some of the drugs.

My GP connected me with the local Palliative Care Service and between them have treated me with a highly effective pain management program, so I'm pain-free. 

I must say that I cannot speak highly enough of my treatment by my GP, Consultant Haematologist, Clinical Nurse Specialist Oncologist, and Palliative Care Nurse. 

Can anyone with a story like mine tell me what's next?
