Another melanoma after 13 years

1 minute read time.

Diagnosed purely by fate ,the death of my sister's husband 13 years ago , triggered panic and sadness, he died from a melanoma . It was shocking . 

Melanoma was his fate .. concern for my own mortality, crept in ,as the information and talk about melanoma , was enlightening and alarming .

Scanning ,in secret as not to upset my sister ,J checked my fair ,sun affected skin. 

I looked for certain warning signs in moles ,marks ,freckles .. 

There it was .tiny ,like a pen dot .with signs that I would never of noticed had my brother in-law not died from this cancer . 

I begged doctor to remove . Eventually a local gp agreed to cut ,even tho he expressed to me that I was just panicing due to the melanoma death recent in our family.

I hid the stiches under a bandage and made sure my sister did not notice that I had selfishly gone to doctors worrying about my own skin ,just a week after her husband had passed .

Doctor called me next day to come in .


I Lost my mind . At home waiting to see me wasy sister . She looked at me and said WTF is going on ? Why are you upset ,my sister was only just hanging in there as she buried the love of her life 2 days prior . ,

I told my sister ,, it's to much for me to tell you what my life and relationship with my sister was like from that day ,13 years ago. I will tell you that ,my once joined at the hip ,sister ,close as close could be ..was no more .it was to much for her to take .. 

Had further surgery , RPA every 3 months for 5 years then given all clear . I was a very lucky person ,if didn't go and damand biopsy ,well you know the rest.

For me ,the facts are so much more ,

If my brother in-law didn't die ,from melanoma ,i would of had 3 years to live . I got it at 0,03 milimeter depth. Not quiet deep enough to enter a blood supply and thus drop deadly seeds .

I have a new melanoma 

That's all i have to say Bout that . 
