They say things happen in threes'

1 minute read time.

Honestly, I couldn't make this up. 

Another night, another email, another "friend" who is now not. This one really does takes the biscuit. 

Like many people when they first get diagnosed, I shared the news with friends because I thought I should tell them and if I'm being honest, because I hoped they'd be supportive. I was soon inundated with text messages and emails that I found increasingly difficult to answer. So having read a wonderful post by someone who was obviously in a similar situation, I took their lead and decided to write a group email to close friends with updates. A little impersonal maybe but it was a lot easier to manage. Because the emails would undoubtedly contain very personal information, I made sure that it only went to those whom I thought would respect the contents.

The email I received this evening, made me recoil in horror. I was told he sent my private email to a religious leader, because he had discussed my medical details with the clergyman and he was "interested". Then I was gleefully informed, he had read it out aloud to a group of friends who had been told the entire contents and had found them amusing. This was done without my permission. 

I am a pacifist who has never hit anyone, however, if this person was standing in front of me right now, I fear I would punch him on the nose. And I wouldn't need any encouragement from Beelzebub either. 

They do say things happen in threes'. 666. That fits. 

  • FormerMember

    Jesus. I would be spitting feathers. It's YOUR illness, and YOUR business.

    I live in a small place where everyone knows everyone and (thinks) they know their business. I made a decision only to tell a few people - family, certain friends, and some of my clients (I am self employed and obviously couldn't do my usual amount of work while having treatment).

    The privacy of it is something I feel very strongly about.

    Yeah, I'd be mentally punching him too.

    Big hugs x

  • FormerMember

    Jesus. I would be spitting feathers. It's YOUR illness, and YOUR business.

    I live in a small place where everyone knows everyone and (thinks) they know their business. I made a decision only to tell a few people - family, certain friends, and some of my clients (I am self employed and obviously couldn't do my usual amount of work while having treatment).

    The privacy of it is something I feel very strongly about.

    Yeah, I'd be mentally punching him too.

    Big hugs x

  • FormerMember

    Doubled commented... sorry!

  • FormerMember

    A double punch horsygal, sort of fitting!

    Thank you x

  • FormerMember

    aaarrghhh. that soungs horrid.

    What gave him the right? :( Hope you are ok? I blog about my cancer and all my friends read it, so I suppose I cannot grumble about my friends sharing but..... whilst what I put in the blog there are certain things I want to keep private so I don't talk about them.

    You however write an email privately to your friends which in itself should warrant the privacy that you would just expect from a close friend. Overstepped the mark I think, I hope you are ok xxx