
1 minute read time.

The last few days have been busy with appointments, oncologist, ct scan, dentist, optician........oh and dinner with good friends and my lovely husband.

My daughter who usually spends the weekend with her boyfriend came home last night, don't usually see her until a monday night, but it was good to go to bed knowing she was under the roof.  My husband said she is fine with everything, but then he says that he is fine too - good job I am not as silly as the obviously think I am!  We (me and my husband) had a discussion late at night about how this thing is not who I am.  I am a mum, wife, sister, aunt and friend.  I don't act my age, I refuse to because it is only a number.  So the discussion had to be had.  The truth being that it probably is only me who had the problem.  I walked around Tesco yesterday - national Cancer day - feeling like I was this thing.  I could not smile, I lacked patience and I didn't feel like making eye contact with anyone.  This obviously isn't going to help anyone is it, especially me!

A booklet dropped through the letter box the other day, makes a change from my appointment letters.  There is a local tai chi class and I am going to call the lady today, explain my situation and ask if she is happy for me to join.  It will be good for me and my balance!  

I have the dentist, again, this week and need to get my prescription sorted for new glasses, oh and an ECG and meeting the chemo nurses.  I am also hoping to be taken on a date by my gorgeous husband, who has finally accepted that part of this is me making a list of things for him to do, I mean its good that the inside of the windows are clean, but the outside really need doing.........Dogs needs walking, always........ and maybe I will catch up with a few friends after i have hounded the insurance company - again!
