The start of a good day..................

1 minute read time.

Today is a positive day, yes it is!

After yesterday I am determined and some of the stuff I am doing may not be seen as positive unless I choose it to be.

After a cup of tea with a friend this morning and maybe she will do my nails (dark colours - best for helping nails during chemo!) I am going to a hairdressers to get my hair cut shorter and hopefully (ha ha!) in a style that will look fabulous without the need for a hair dryer or straighteners.  I am sure there is one.........  The hairdressers I am going to is near me in Newbury.  I have been there before a few times and always been really happy with my hair afterwards, but what struck me before this even happened was that they had Macmillan and Breast Cancer all over the shop, events, tea parties etc.  This, as I said, has stuck with me.  The lady that owns the salon specializes in short hair and even cutting wigs.  It is good to know that there is someone on my doorstep (nearly) who could potentially help me in my moments of hair crisis!  I also intend on getting my eyebrows sorted, they are still here, but seem to be growing at right angles to my brow, nothing to do with treatment as I haven't had any yet.  

I am over yesterday and the problem with the registrar.  I hope she had cause to rethink things, I will probably never know.

I know these things have the potential to cause upset should I not decide to take control of them in the first place, it may still cause upset, but I am taking charge to minimize this by getting ahead of things before I start feeling rubbish.

Hope everyone has a good day too.
