A Miracle Journey

  • Day 1 Round 3


    Seems I dreaded this round as much as the others, but other than taking a nausea pill, on top of having a patch, things are going well. 

    Keeping up with Prednisone every two hours and other occupying activities, washing, cooking, are enough. Finished reading FAITH THAT HURTS FAITH THAT HEALS. Good reading.

  • Day 15 Round 2


    I know now that the first 10 days after chemo, Prednisone will have me hyped. I must find ways of coping with that. I will put weighty thoughts in a balloon out of reach.

    I am making preparation for the next round by:

    Getting out of the house, choosing carefully my time, place, purpose. Yesterday I went to the grocery store. I had to stop and sit to rest twice. Came home. Rested. Getting out safely for me…

  • Day 8 Round 2


    It is a great day because I can look forward to coming out of Nadir, low point. Expecting by Tuesday to have some energy. 

    Lymphoma is so different from other cancers, others do not understand AND I am weary of think that I might help them be informed.  Lots to learn.  People have their own concerns to work through. We cannot expect they will have time to learn about ours. 

    Well, we all might learn though…

  • Day 6 Round 2


    Glad to not be taking Prednisone every  two hours. The weather is bad, and I feel weak. Took Vitamin D. Feeling a little better. Doctor appointment tomorrow. Blood counts feel low based on how I feel.

    Labeled a box, "Passions." Need to renew some. My main passion, serving others, seems closed now.  I will "Stir up the gifts within me, " but first, seeking to get everything regulated, health-wise. …

  • Day 4 Round 2


    Wondering where I will be in June, 6th round. This round is easier than the firdt. 

    The patch for nausea calmed things down, just not having nausea and having those pills to remember.

    I learned to use a checkerboard to arrange my meds each morning. Start at top, one row going down for each added med (3). Take the one that is AM only, put it back. Take the Prednisonr, take out 5 pilks, lay them out down the…