Day 15 Round 2

Less than one minute read time.

I know now that the first 10 days after chemo, Prednisone will have me hyped. I must find ways of coping with that. I will put weighty thoughts in a balloon out of reach.

I am making preparation for the next round by:

Getting out of the house, choosing carefully my time, place, purpose. Yesterday I went to the grocery store. I had to stop and sit to rest twice. Came home. Rested. Getting out safely for me is a mental necessity.

Washing, cleaning.

I am using tea tree oil on my scalp but it is inflamed some now for twonweeks. Tom wants me to talk to the nurses a third time about it. Hard to wear anything on my head for very long and with the cold weather then getting cold is a problem.  One has to seemingly accommodate constantly just to be comfortable.
