
1 minute read time.

Hello! I am 69 years old, an older dancer and live in Tottenham, London.

This blog is based on my experiences during my cancer journey which began early in 2017. It is influenced by Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland". Just as Alice visited a place where she met unexpected challenges, the known and unknown became "curiouser and curiouser", I experienced my "Adventures in Cancerland" in similar ways. It is my journey recording ways I remained positive, adaptable and took life as I found it each day, the ups and the downs.

I am writing from in January 2018. It is based on my notes, emails, memories from 2017 and whatever happens in the future.

I have just completed my main treatment which involved a mammogram; numerous blood tests  along the way; two day-surgery operations: a lumpectomy and then more tissue removed; followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and encouragement and advice from my designated nurse. I have had wonderful support from family, friends, colleagues and hospital staff.

In December 2017 I achieved my doctorate (DProf) in the same week as completing my radiotherapy. Earlier in the year I had a big shock about my doctorate just as I was starting my chemotherapy.

My breast cancer was diagnosed as Triple Negative (TNBC) which is one of lesser researched cancers and it can be virulent if it returns especially in the first two years. It has no cure but usually responds to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

I am writing this blog to share my experiences with others and as a challenge to myself. So, join me on my Adventures in Cancerland and my challenging journey.  
