Boxing Day

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Two weeks ago my life, my family’s and husbands life changed forever.  my husband had a colonoscopy and subsequent CT scan revealed a tumour that was 10 cm in length.  it had invaded his liver, with metastases throughout his abdomen.  

At the time his cancer was diagnosed my husband lived away from home to work in the Middle East.  after diagnosis he was sent home to get treatment.  luckily we live in the UK near to a specialist cancer research hospital, which helps us tremendously.

my husband and I visited the consultant that deals with bowel surgery on 22nd December.  he basically told us that chemotherapy is our only option to control my husbands tumour and metastases.  so we are awaiting a call from the hospital to start the process of chemo with the oncology department.  

I am  also interested in starting some complementary medicine alongside conventional medicine.  i also think Darren (my husband) will have to be positive and maybe change his lifestyle and diet.
