Inner Thoughts on a Road with Bumps - Pancreatic Cancer

  • Do Not Go Gentle


    There will be no surgery.  The sniper does not have clear shot, or rather there are too many shots to be taken.

    “Do not go gentle into that good night”

    The Monster is embedded well into its lair.  It has dug more trenches. Nine. Ten.  More.

    To take a shot would prove fruitless. Dangerous.

    But the battle is not over. There is still a war to be fought.

    “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”


  • A New Battle


    I’m going to Jacksonville. 

    There is a sniper I need to see. 

    His eyes are keen. His hand is steady. He deals with his target decisively. 

    He will review the strategies of the battle fought thus far. 

    He will examine the remains of The Monster’s first offense. 

    The first tumor. 

    He will peer into The Monster’s new nest.

    He will evaluate the trench that has been created and that harbors the blasted cell mutation…

  • The Bell

    In a lot of chemo labs in North America and in other parts of the world, people ring a bell once they have finished their treatment. This was something I wrote as I approached my last treatment the end of September. 

    There is one in almost every chemotherapy lab.  It both beckons and taunts us.  It makes itself heard at times, interrupting the thoughts of those who sit and wait for the drip of the intravenous…