May 2018 Update

1 minute read time.

So a year on from my first CT scan.

Starting to believe in life again - strange as it seems I think I wrote myself off and it's been hard to pull myself back to believing life can go on normally.

Long story about CT results getting lost grrr - tracked down now and getting full report from onc next week but Breast Care Nurse called me to reassure me that it all looks as if continuing in same direction.

CT scan of head & neck shows no abnormalities too.

Meanwhile the one vein that everyone seems to love is getting surprisingly hard to use - I think it's probably covered in tough scar tissue.

Loving being back on Bruce the Bonnie (got put away for most of winter). Having fun riding again! went along to local run for International Female Ride Day and really enjoyed being out riding in a group. Should really do it more. I do find that since I use my bike to go to work everyday I tend to leave it in garage at weekends (bit perverse that I know).

After much debating with OH we decided we should get a dog, there followed a lot of talking and not much doing. I casually looked on internet and saw a 3 legged dog (or tripaw) in need of a home, have now paid a deposit and waiting for home check. We're very much looking forward to Cassidy coming to live with us - she's apparently "tiny" and can't walk too far (sounds perfect!) Hopefully we can look after each other.

In other news, went for photo shoot with my daughters to get some nice family photos - going back later to do naked/near naked photos for my man and to show off my tattoos. It's something I felt I wanted to do to leave a reminder of me when I'm gone.
