The night before treatment begins...

1 minute read time.

I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with CLL just over 2 years ago. Last week my consultant decided it was time to start treatment. 

I feel good at the moment and have been living a pretty normal life for the last couple of years. My only symptoms have been higher blood count and a large number of lymph nodes visible, in my neck, groin and under my arms. I’m a wee bit more tired these days too. 

Consultant says I’ve done well to last this long as he says younger patients like me tend to need treatment sooner after diagnosis.  

My CT scan last week shows lymph nodes now at a size of 4-6 cm which is larger than the 1-2 cm two years ago. White blood count is at the lowest it’s been - 22. Treatment news came as a wee bit of a shock last week given the improved blood counts (have been as high as 38). 

So I’m sitting at home this evening wondering what tomorrow will bring. I’m a bit anxious about my FCR treatment over the next 6 months. 

I’ve heard and read different stories, but I’m hoping I can continue to lead a fairly normal life over the next 6 months. Maybe I’m delusional, but I am positive at the moment. 

My wife and I told the kids (aged 11 & 9) on Friday night.  A little bit emotional for my eldest, she is a natural worrier. My son cried when he heard we wouldn’t be going on our cruise in the spring! ☺️ 

It makes me determined to be strong, for them and for my wife. My wife has been so supportive. 

Wanted to join this forum as a way of sharing my story over the next 6 months, and get some advice and others experiences too. Hoping it can help someone else who may be going through the same or facing this at some point in the future. I also know it will help me. 

Be back in touch soon to share my progress. Thanks for listening....
