End of week 1

1 minute read time.

It’s been a pretty tough week, but I’m definitely feeling like I’m through it and have come out the other side feeling good.

I went in to hospital to start my FCR on Monday and had a reaction to the Rituximab. Apparently it’s quite common, although me being me I decided to have a severe reaction. My blood pressure dropped suddenly and I passed out. I was kept in overnight for monitoring and was restarted on Tuesday in the ward. A scary day on Tuesday waiting for the same thing to happen again, however everything went very smoothly. I was really well looked after by all the nurses.

The chemo pills really hit me for six on day 3 and I was in bed pretty much until the pills were finished yesterday. Today is the first day with no chemo pills and I’m starting to feel back to normal. Great!

I’ve lost about 10lbs due to a loss of appetite and my lumps and bumps have started to shrink a bit. Makes it all worth it.

Even though it’s been a tough week, I certainly feel good knowing I wasn’t sick, just knackered and nauseous. Appetite is starting to come back now too.

Keeping everything crossed the next three weeks will be fine until the next cycle.

Happy Christmas.
