2nd Cycle of FCR Chemotherapy

1 minute read time.

My 2nd cycle was delayed a week because my bloods hadn’t recovered enough, which apparently is quite common. I received an injection to boost my Bloods last week and I successfully started my 2nd cycle yesterday.

I’ve been feeling really good. Apart from around 9 days during the first cycle I’ve been feeling normal. It feels so good to know my lumps have reduced. My wbc are at 2.7

I know this week I will feel pretty wiped out, tired, nauseous etc, but I also know I will bounce back at the weekend, assuming things go the same as last time.

So all in all, I’m feeling good, positive and counting down to May when 6 cycles will be done and we can have an amazing family holiday.

If you are reading this because you will be starting treatment or are worried about starting treatment in the future then I hope this helps. I’ve been pleasantly surprised how life carries on pretty much as normal. I’ve been working a bit too. I expect to be out from work this week and returning next week. 

No hair loss yet on the body (I have no hair on top anyway!), no infections and no tiredness outside of the time when taking the pills.

Will update after my 2nd cycle. 
