Susan's story...

  • Low sinus rhythm


    I had my pre-op assessment today - loads more leaflets! The ECG readout showed a slightly low sinus - what's that all about?

    Just found out a colleague of hubby's (an ex-colleague of mine) also has gynae issues, she's going for a colposcopy/biopsy same day as my op, gynae cancer must be so common now. Another friend is suffering an ectopic pregnancy but she hasn't told me herself so I can not comfort her.…

  • MRI did it !!


    Really wasn't as bad as expected... I didn't get stuck! They let me go in feet first so my head wasn't quite enclosed. Strangely though they insisted I wear the earplugs and headphones even though I am pretty much deaf without my hearing aids. They said it was a H&S requirement??

    Jokingly I  asked if I could see the pictures and was surprised when she said I could buy them on a CD for £10. Think i might…

  • Welfare meeting at work Nov 22nd


    I was worried when work suggested a welfare meeting, I thought I may be dismissed as needing too much time off after the op.

    I needn't have worried, they were actually very supportive.

    Also I received the CT scan appointment today... why do they need chest and abdomen as well as pelvis. 

    It's getting too real now. 

  • Back to reality. Nov 19th


    We had a lovely time in Gibraltar, arriving home there are two letters waiting for me; A colposcopy appointment on Nov 20th and an MRI appointment on the 24th Nov. 

    The colposcopy appointment turned out to be just a chat with the Cancer team. They confirmed what the Gynae lady had told me and went into it in a bit more detail.

    I have a grade 1 endometrial carcinoma. Grade 1 is the least aggressive, but they still have…

  • So now I know.. November 10th


    The lovely lady Gynae surgeon had made time for me between appointments (maybe in her lunch break?). She took me to a private room and went through the results of the hysteroscopy. They had found abnormal cells and I had endometrial cancer. She explained my care would now be passed to her colleagues the Oncology/Gynae team. I would need a scan and a hysterectomy which would be within a time frame of 6 weeks.

    I was naively…