So now I know.. November 10th

Less than one minute read time.

The lovely lady Gynae surgeon had made time for me between appointments (maybe in her lunch break?). She took me to a private room and went through the results of the hysteroscopy. They had found abnormal cells and I had endometrial cancer. She explained my care would now be passed to her colleagues the Oncology/Gynae team. I would need a scan and a hysterectomy which would be within a time frame of 6 weeks.

I was naively relieved to hear this, I had actually been worried they may have found nothing and I would have to spend the next few years worrying about what may develop - I thought at least this way they could just chop out a part I don't need anyway and hopefully that would be an end to it. 

I was relieved to hear I would be fit to fly on Tuesday as we are going to Gibraltar for a short break. 
