Week 4 of 6 Day 16 of 30

1 minute read time.

Well it should of been day 16 of Radiotherapy followed by Chemo tomorrow however; hubby decided yesterday he had enough and was refusing to go back, not eaten since day before Christmas eve and no RIG food available, could not get any anywhere, he would not let me go to hospital as a 3 hour round trip and he said he would wait until today.   Long story short managed to speak to a Macmillan nurse at the hospital explained that he really done, no food, little drink, sore mouth, tongue, dry skin and fed up of the mucous and lack of sleep, I also said I believed dehydrated thankfully she arranged for him to be admitted.   As I write he is on a saline drip and I am praying in the morning once he is rehydrated and the staff and consultant have spoken to him hopefully I will meet him in the Chemo room praying someone outside his family can persuade him to carry on for the next 15 radio and 3 chemo sessions.   

The lesson here is if anyone reads this and in the same situation, who like my hubby already had a RIG fitted at the first signs of trouble eating please get some food ready for the RIG and drink plenty of liquid,  we left it to late and once Christmas hit I was unable to sort anything out quickly enough.    Here's hoping and praying that I can write another blog tomorrow to say he has had his treatment, fingers crossed.

  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm sorry to here your husband is having a rough time, I myself had radiotherapy and chemotherapy together 35/9 all together it's tough I know but remaining positive and doing everything you are advised will get you through. I actually built up areserve of forty sips just in case I couldn't get any when I needed them most. Still continued to eat as normal as I could to keep them swallowing muscles working. After treatment  and my op still not right but my positive attitude and family and friends around me gives me all the more reason to fight. Good luck keep fighting stay strong  you can come through this. Kevm