My 33 days with Cancer

1 minute read time.

My 33 days with Cancer.




Hello Everyone,


Just thought I would write a brief introduction / background here before I started writing ‘My 33 days with Cancer’ blog. My intention is to write about my experiences ‘warts and all’ giving a day-by-day commentary of what I am going through with my Radiotherapy treatment, what actually happens and how I am feeling at any given time, both to help people better understand what it’s like living with Cancer and in the hope that other people who may be going through a similar experience may relate to what I write and to encourage a wider discussion and understanding of this disease as current statistics show that one in two of us will contact cancer in our lifetime.


At times I may attempt to regale you with past incidents and write about what happened back in 2016 when I was first diagnosed, how I was diagnosed and my subsequent treatment, furthermore how and why, I think my initial treatment failed after having my prostate removed which was supposed to cure all.


If anyone knows anyone who may be going through a similar experience with Cancer, it also may be of interest to them, and I would appreciate it if you would share my blog with them. I am prepared to answer any questions anyone has in relation to this subject so let’s get started if you would like to join me on this ride.




