The Result

1 minute read time.

Had the results on Tuesday. It is breast cancer. Will need to have operation to remove lump then radiotherapy. It was that or mastectomy and I chose lump removal/radiotherapy. I mentioned my continuing sore chest (sternum) and now shoulder pain. The consultant asked me to sit on bed. Did some prodding and then suggested a bone scan to rule anything like that out. The tumour is grade 3. On Tuesday I was told I wouldn't know if I needed chemo until sample checked after op but things have moved on now (see below). No sign of lymph node involvement on scan but they will take a sample during op to check as scan not 100%.

That was Tuesday. Today though (Thurs) I saw breast nurse and found out my tumour is oestrogen & progesterone negative but her2 positive. This means I can be given herceptin but this in turn means I am now definitely having chemotherapy. 

 I have pre-op assessment tomorrow, bone scan Monday, bone scan results Thurs and operation provisionally booked for week Monday unless anything shows on the bone scan. The whole thing is surreal. I feel numb. Have decided to carry on blogging but over on my Wordpress site  so this will be my last blog here. Good luck and best wishes to everyone fighting the good fight.
