Preparations before operation.

3 minute read time.

it's the day before my first op. (of two, excluding the excision biopsy of the lesion). As I understand it I'll be grounded for a month after op. with no exertion greater than cleaning my house, no bending down - eyelids are well supplied with blood and it's important not to retrigger bleeding and no getting my eye wet i.e. no going out in rain and protecting my eyelid from sun. Perhaps I'll be able to take exercise once I've had stitches put in in a week's time? Must remember to ask.

I've had a lovely bank holiday long weekend walking, swimming in the sea and snorkelling. All very relaxing. Also lots of gardening as I won't be able to do much for next month. I'm on my third Dick Francis novel to make me feel braver.

I used the hot weather to wash all my jumpers and hopefully anything that will be going near my eyelid. Actually I need to do waterproof coats with hoods which might drip on my eyelid, not that I'm planning on going out in the rain but I could get caught out.

Today I am on buying supplies for looking after my eye. (I'm particularly germ conscious having had a superbug - now thankfully gone and hopefully stayed that way.)

micropore tape for taping on eye shield (NHS to supply shield) that I'm going to wear at night

antibacterial washing up liquid for washing glasses

more hand towels so I can change these more frequently

more pillow cases as I intend to change these nightly

alcohol based hand cleansing gel

cotton buds for putting antibiotic ointment on eyelid without having to touch it with my finger

sterile gauze for dabbing boiled water on eye. (The hospital only supplied one after biopsy with instructions to re-use for five days. However specialist nurse suggested re a superbug that I've had, that I could buy myself sterile gauze which I'll need to keep in an airtight container once I've opened packet which contains five so I use a clean gauze every time.). I've pre-ordered sterile gauze as I couldn't buy it without.

sterile airtight box

I'm going to sign up for online films as I probably won't be able to read for two days until have eye pad off and for 24 hours again after second op. Anyway will be a treat while I am convalescing.

For remainder of day I'm cleaning my house and car, partly to try and remove last traces of superbug which can stay in environment for a long time but succumbs to normal cleaning products.

Also anything else I can think of that I won't be able to do while I can't bend down, such a moving things that are stored at floor level. Oh oh, there's a lot to do. Should keep me busy once I get going.

Also packing day bag with Dick Francis and last minute points for Consultant when I see him to sign consent form.

Also I need to pay him for my private consultation. I was pleased to see that the quoted price was halved when the invoice came through and titled as for follow up consultation. It was good that I got about 20 minutes consultation therefore on NHS. I think fair enough to have to pay for the further 20 minutes as I doubt a consultant would give me a 40 minute appointment on NHS to discuss two operations. I'm glad that the price was reduced as I would hope to be able to discuss an NHS operation with a doctor before the day of the operation on the NHS, especially as although described as 'minor surgery', actually the second operation may change my appearance permanently and therefore potentially be a life changer. It'll also have saved a lot of time on afternoon of second op. if further tissue needs to be removed, not to need to have the discussion from scratch then.
