Treatment Options

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The treatment plan is one big merry-go-round of drugs with scary long names and other drugs to counter the effects of the drugs. Talk about being spaced out- which I certainly have been!!!.

Some people chose not to undergo conventional Breast Cancer treatment of Cut, Poison and Burn instead opting for a more holistic approach more in tune with your body and less aggressive to healthy cells. Good luck in whatever path you choose as it is the right one for you.  I decided to be a bit controversial and opt for the vacuum biopsy as opposed to full surgery as my cancer shrunk away with Chemo. I've been repeatedly told it's not standard but hoping it will work given they will set up trials in a few months to do what i am doing. 

In the middle of radiation with 8 more sessions- apparently you get 4 weeks instead of 3 if your young- at 39 its nice to be told i'm young :) feeling a bit burny now and looking for cooling balms. Any suggestions?
