If the Cap Fits....

1 minute read time.

I'm always surprised at the number of people who don't yet know about the Cold Cap. It seems bizzare to me that a Doctor will tell you that Chemo will cause hair loss but then not to carry on the sentence with advise on the potential to help maintain hair through the use of the cold cap. Weird.


It's upsetting that people have contacted me to ask for advise on the correct fit as they have felt the cold cap fiting they experienced was either a rushed job or the nurses didn't seem to know what they were doing. If the cap isn't the right size or tight enough then YOUR HAIR WILL FALL OUT


I have written some advice with this on my 'Advice' page- where else :) and hope this helps to give courage to others in being more assertive in getting the correct fit. It is essential to be fussy and ensure you are given the chance to minimise hair loss and keep at least some sense of identity.


My nurses have been amazing and have not only ensured the cap fits but also given great after care advise on how to look after my hair post Chemo. I am lucky to have such an experienced and dedicated team. However, it shouldn't be down to luck and I wholeheartily believe everyone about to undergo Chemotherapy should read my advice to ensure they have the best chance to minimise hair loss. xx
