
Less than one minute read time.

I'll start by saying, I wasn't prepared for this. I chose not to have children young for a reason. I wanted Dad to walk me down the aisle but he's gone, death by stubbornness wasn't technically what killed him but his refusal to seek medical assistance didn't help. Now, at 21, I have become a parent to one brother and his gf though they are older than me and quite happily can do stuff to help they just wont, and my darling mother who frankly deserves the best that life has to offer. It hasn't been kind to her, she needs a break but instead she gets pancreatic cancer on top of all of her other problems. Its heartbreaking.

  • FormerMember

    Hi smiley Warrior! (Love the name )! Just read your blog and I just want you to know your not alone in the situation your having to deal with. I'm prob your mum's age 52 but I'll tell you my story and maybe it will help you to realize that lots of people are having to deal with really difficult situations! 5 years ago my husband was diagnosed with blood cancer! He passed away early this year! 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer fortunately still here! My dad died 2 years ago with cancer and my mum it's end stage Alzheimer's! Now I have one son (age nearly 23) who is having to go through pretty much the same as you and it must be really hard at such a young age! My heart breaks sometimes when I think what he's had to deal with but he has dealt with it and so must you but not on your own! Make sure you get all the help and support you can! Tell your GP YOUR situation also ring mcmillan for advice and support!

    If family +friends offer to help say yes! Don't try and do it all yourself! You may have a carers centre near to you so contact them an ask for help! Most importantly look after yourself! Make sure you eat properly and have "time out" to relax + unwind! Oh and counselling might help as well! Ask mcmillan locally if they can help! Take care +let us all know how it's going when you can! Gill x x x