So far, so tired!!

Less than one minute read time.

Ok, so I have signed up to a 'Re-Shape' programme at my local lifestyle centre. I am at the end of my first week and I have managed to do a couple of gym sessions and an aquafit class this morning.  It was hard dragging myself out of bed to get there for the session this morning, as all my body wants to do is sleep.  I don't mind having some relaxing time, but all that time doing nothing has made me gain weight and I really want to lose it. I am not confident in how I look at all, I never was, but the changes from the cancer treatment have made my confidence reach an all time low and I really need to rebuild this.

The gym sessions are not easy, but I have my music playing, which keeps me focussed. There are days I don't want to do anything at all, but I force myself to get up and about.  Does anybody else struggle with things like this, or is it just me?
