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Five days to go and I'm wondering what to expect after the TURBT. I have barely any pain at present but I have a prescription for painkillers ready for Tuesday if I need them. I got some pantyliners in too. I'm cooking for the freezer this week so neither of us will need to do too much cooking in the first few days. Any other tips welcome.

  • Hi CAJONES. I had 3TURBTs. Any after effects really depend on how deep they have to go. My first, I was in hospital for 4 days, but up and about the next day with no pain. 2 and 3, just a few hours in day surgery. The main after effects are pain and discomfort when peeing for a few days. Main advice is nothing too strenuous and keep drinking lots of water to clear things out and prevent infection. Hope all goes well. Best wishes.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Rily. My surgery is one-day so I'm hoping to be home the same evening. x