Less than one minute read time.

My turbt was done yesterday. I arrived a 1pm, had op at five and home before nine. Everything went smoothly. I had the BCG in for an hour, no problem. Had saline to wash it out, the nurse said my pee afterwards was the clearest he'd seen. I have a catheter and bag for four or five days then back to have it removed. I will get my biopsy, etc. results in three or four weeks. So glad to have the bugger out. I'm coping well with the bag though it feels strange. I keep thinking I want to pee but I have the bag. It's weird. I was so hungry after the op. My partner, Dean, cooked me steak and onions. I wolfed it down. I'd only had a couple of digestives after the op and with breakfast at 06.30am I was pretty hungry. Not hungry enough to eat the hospital food though, lol. I shall be lazing around for the next few days. 
