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I've had six great weeks since my RC, healing well and little pain. However, I'm due to get my histology results any time now and I have to say I am terrified. My bladder cancer was squamous and if it has spread I don't know what will happen. It doesn't respond to chemotherapy or radiotherapy so...
I try not to think about it most of the time because I don't know what the results will be but as the time approaches I can't help but be scared.

  • I had a different type of cancer and the survival rates for someone of my age 57 were abysmal, at my first follow up appointment with the consultant surgeon he said I had a 20-25% chance I could survive 2-5 years. I didn't even bother asking for the pathology and histology report and decided just to get on with my life and prove the bastard wrong! After all they are only numbers. Kind regards Frank