1 minute read time.

Today's Nutribullet ingredients.

I started my antibiotics for the urinary infection this morning. It's a three day course, today til Monday, so it shouldn't hold up my op. The nurse said that, as soon as she got the antibiotics sorted with the doctor, she would let the coordinator know so my op can be arranged. As it's four and a half hours they have to reshuffle shorter ops to make a window for mine. Meanwhile, we are slowly spring-cleaning and I'm about to start cooking some dishes for the freezer. We've both been having a Nutribullet drink every day. I'm amazed at how gorgeous they taste and how much fruit and vegetables they contain. I feel the benefit already. Also the high fat, low carbohydrate diet, with grains, seeds and nuts, is working well. I'm down to 2-4 slices of Best of Both toasted and one or two potatoes only. I've cut sugar in my tea down to one teaspoon along with cutting cups of tea to three or four. I've also incorporated Muesli into my diet, providing nuts and grains as well as more fruit.  I have to say that I feel great and am enjoying food more with less carbohydrates. Most days I don't even have potatoes. It has been surprisingly easy. I've only been the diet a few weeks but I don't miss anything. I've gotten to love water too. 
