1 minute read time.

I came home on Thursday. Everything has been going really well. Well, until last night - that was a bit of a scare. One of the wounds from my surgery last Saturday leaked like a tap late yesterday afternoon! I felt a warm gush at my right side. I looked down and there was a wet patch. I grabbed my kit and went to the bathroom. I thought my urostomy bag had leaked. I removed and replaced the bag. It was the first time I have done it on my own. The dressing on the wound on my right was full of liquid which I thought was urine. I removed it, cleaned the area and applied a fresh dressing from the ones given me by the hospital. I went back to sit down. Ten minutes later I felt wet again. I went to the bathroom and saw the new dressing was soaked and leaking. I had two incontinence pads I'd been given by the hospital in case of leakage in the normal fashion. I had stashed them in the bathroom just in case. I got one out and pressed it against the wound on my side. The wound was slightly open and leaking clear, pinkish fluids. It was too late to get a doctor so Dean rang 111 for me. There was a bit of a rigmarole where I had to repeat everything but it ended in a visit from the District Nurses to dress my wound. It's a great dressing, sort of rubber. The wound leaked onto the dressing for a while then stopped. They said another District Nurse would be round to check up on it today. Great service from the fabulous #NHS.
