Day 5 - Two Pints

1 minute read time.

Yesterday evening I began to feel unwell, temperature was creeping up high so I was started on IV antibiotics and fluids just incase I'm getting an infection, although it could be a reaction to chemo. Have to say, after two paracetamol and a dose of antibiotics I was feeling good again. 

Woke up today more tired and lacking in energy, still able to get shower, walk about etc but after speaking to doctor they decided to give me two units of blood to 'top me up' and continue on antibiotics in order to keep me in good shape for transplant on Tuesday. 

So apart from making a jigsaw (very therapeutic but need patience) I haven't done much else. Still only eating cold foods like sandwiches, jellies, yogurts etc, the thought of anything warm making me bokey. 

Nice to see my friends outside of WhatsApp this evening and hear all the latest goss - weddings, weddings and more weddings! Love a good wedding though! 

Everyone keeps asking am I bored, suppose I am a wee bit but apart from walking the dog and  a trip to Lidl few times a week I'm not doing much else different, oh and my vegys - made a vegy patch before I came to hospital hope they are growing well. 

And that's it, two pints of blood gone through, hope I'm not hungover tomorrow! 

  • FormerMember

    Keep the faith've been through a hell of a lymphoma was a breeze compared to will come out the other side

    Good luck for Tuesday

    Ronan're probably in one of those isolated cool rooms.....God i would love's so damned clammy tonight !! Grrr

  • FormerMember

    Stacey you are doing brill everyone so proud of you! I have been stalking the wedding pics too it's nice to get a nosey! Keep strong you are an inspiration to everyone!

    Cara j x