Tired on day 10

Less than one minute read time.

10 days since rchop - after good day yesterday - very tired today.

Blood pressure seems low so checked in with nurse explaining tired etc

Also seem to have lost half a stone in about a week!  Have been eating (hard work) maybe it's the lymphoma melting!!

Resting now and drinking buckets of water so up and down to the loo day and night adding to tiredness

Otherwise ok - bowels fairly regular with laxido

  • FormerMember

    New to the website and found your blog - same cancer as my friend whom I'm supporting.  Thanks for sharing how you are finding the RCHOP treatment, your posts are really useful for those of us who are in the stage between diagnosis and the start of RCHOP.  Keep writing - you seem to have a talent for it and I hope the treatment goes well for you.

  • FormerMember

    Cheers - hospital were keen we keep a diary to see how things turn out at each stage - and possibly know what to expect. So my blog is to that end

    We all need support - my wife of 40 years is truly amazing