First bump in the road

2 minute read time.

So I started this blog as a way of being able to express my feelings as I take this one way journey with my little brother, feelings that I don't feel able to express out loud for fear of causing more pain where there's already a shed load! I thought if I wrote it down it may help me, may ease my pain or make this unchartered journey less bumpy, maybe a little easier to travel, Well strike that one out! As I read it back and re-read it back dozens of time, the pain hit me like a brick and the tears that I'd been holding back burst like a dam. I can safely say I've slept very little in the last three days and cried a river. Do I feel any better for it?, no is the truthful answer I don't, I feel weak, I feel guilty, I feel heart sore. I'm just the passenger really, he's the one with a one way ticket and I'm the one crying myself to sleep, can't eat, can't think straight not so much of the big brave sister behind closed doors am I. 

I went to see him this afternoon, the side of his face has swollen slightly over the scar, he's having more strange sensations in his head, more sensory problems and for the first time after spending some time talking to him I realised that he knew, he knows what's going to happen. All this time he'd been talking about this incurable tumour he has never called it "terminal", today he did. I write like we've been living this nightmare for months, years even, when in actual fact it's still only been a couple of weeks, it just feels like forever. 

Treatment starts next week, he says he doesn't think he'll be able to make it till the end of the first six weeks. A cold fear gripped me, he has to do it, we can't give up hope before we begin. It made me realise even more that this road is in complete darkness for us, we don't know how far it is, we don't know the directions, we don't know know how many twists and turns there will be, we don't know what we'll find on the way. 

I need to give my head a serious wobble, I need to dig deep and I need to bring back this big sister. I need to bury my pain for now and gather all the strength I can for this journey. Maybe tonight I'll sleep, tomorrow's another day.....

  • Remember to look after yourself to or you may make yourself ill, try to let others help you if possible. Come on the online community and let off steam if you need to, have a moan or whatever you fancy. You sound like a fantastic sister to have for your brother going through this. Kind regards Frank

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shortys Big Sis,

    You are doing everything you possibly can and don't doubt for 1 minute how much this will mean to your brother. i did a similar thing to you when my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer - was the wonderfully strong daughter when I was with her, speaking up for her, making her laugh, reading to her and looking through old photos and reminiscing on our life. But whenever I stepped out of the house (she lived with me) I cried - in the car, in the supermarket, at work - everywhere!

    I feel for you, I really do and it's hard to know how to comfort you but just keep doing what you're doing. The light on the road that you're travelling is you, you're there for him and he knows it.

    Wishing you strength and hoping it's not as bad as you fear and sending big hugs to you.
