Shorty - A Sisters Journey

  • Time Out


    So today marks the end of my brothers six week radio/chemotherapy or 30 individual sessions or 360 minutes frying of his brain as he called it. The last six weeks have been shall we say "testing", he has become very much the centre of my life again, my absolute focus and I'm incredibly proud today that we've got this far together. Don't get me wrong! It's been hard, we've had tears, angry outbursts, sadness, confusion…

  • A Holiday..... just what the doctor ordered


    A Holiday, just what the doctor ordered! Well actually couldn't have come at a worst time for me could it! I'd booked a cheeky week away to Egypt months and months ago, little did I know that life would be taking me on a journey with my baby brother at the same time. So it's time to start the treatment regime and guess who's jetting off to Egypt? I so didn't want to go but friends and my family and work colleagues and…

  • First bump in the road


    So I started this blog as a way of being able to express my feelings as I take this one way journey with my little brother, feelings that I don't feel able to express out loud for fear of causing more pain where there's already a shed load! I thought if I wrote it down it may help me, may ease my pain or make this unchartered journey less bumpy, maybe a little easier to travel, Well strike that one out! As I read it back…

  • Every story has a beginning .....


    Every story has a beginning mine began 49 years ago when my baby brother was born, sounds good doesn't it but I'm 52 and can't really remember it ! So I'll make it brief and skip to the bits I can, cheeky, mischievous, always the baby of the family, pain in the butt, yet always knew where to come when he needed a cuddle or a couple of quid!  Your typical little brother who when he found out you were scared of worms would…