Beauty and the Beast

  • 2017 (1)



    We have always been a couple who do a lot of things believing in the mantra that the secret of a happy life is small continuous treats and getting things in the diary. I have always thought that having nice things in the diary helped Val where her medical conditions are concerned. Consequently, the year ahead was packed with theatre visits, a holiday to Madeira in early March, a short break in London (early April…

  • 2016


    For Val, this turned out to be the year of recurring Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s) that became really persistent from March onwards.

    Val made frequent visits to our G. P. surgery where urine samples were either dipped there or sent off to the laboratory at the local hospital and Val would return with more and more antibiotics. Three GP’s had the opportunity to refer Val to a consultant but chose not to with…

  • Introduction




    Why us? Why Val? Why me?

    Why do I feel this way? Why are tears never far away? Why do certain song lyrics trigger a tearful reaction? Why is it difficult to turn the television on and not be confronted with seemingly endless programmes dealing with our or similar issues? Why is it so difficult to cope? Why has our life and future become less certain? Our lives have suddenly been subject to a malignant…