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Why us? Why Val? Why me?

Why do I feel this way? Why are tears never far away? Why do certain song lyrics trigger a tearful reaction? Why is it difficult to turn the television on and not be confronted with seemingly endless programmes dealing with our or similar issues? Why is it so difficult to cope? Why has our life and future become less certain? Our lives have suddenly been subject to a malignant set of characters - Despair, Fear, Uncertainty, and Anger. I am sure these will be familiar feelings for many of the people who may read this attempt at a blog.

I have decided not to identify the hospitals involved, the GP practice or individual staff but suffice it to say that we live in leafy Warwickshire and have been married for fifteen years. We have both been married before and as a result we have a combined family of two sons and three daughters. We also have seven grandchildren ranging in ages from 18 months to 22 years. Val therefore has a lot to live for.

Now let me introduce you to the principal characters of this story.

First up is Beauty, Val, my beautiful wife of fifteen years. Val is 68 years of age and a matriarch to a combined family of five with seven grandchildren ranging in ages from 18 months to 22 years of age. Val has bravely faced up to and dealt with a range of serious health issues – Type 1 Diabetes, Autonomic Neuropathy, Ileostomy, self- catheterisation, and Gastrointestinal motility disorder – so surely she had already had more than her share?

The second character, the Beast, was first introduced to us as a small lump in Val’s bladder on Friday March 10th 2017, discovered in the course of what we, and the Consultant, had hoped would be a routine cystoscopy. Biopsies were taken and we were then informed on March 22nd that Beast was in fact an aggressive bladder cancer requiring at best the removal of Val’s bladder which would cure the problem or at worst, if the cancer had spread, chemotherapy.

But let’s start at the beginning.

  • Hello Dave.

    How is your lovely wife doing. I am newly aboard this rollercoaster and I just wanted to say that I have asked and experienced all the emotions you have recently also. My darling beloved husband has been diagnosed with a beast also....stomach cancer. Unfortunately whilst CT clear staging laparoscopy showed some specks on his peritoneum so inoperable....chemo the next life prolonging treatment. He is 56 and fit as a fiddle. To look at him you would never know he was ill although he has lost around 1.5 stone since Dec 16 but still looks healthy.

    I am angry sad happy thankful all in a moment the happy and thankful are that we have each other and that I can support him all the way through this. We have twin sons 28 and they are devestated( hubbys step sons) but they are HIS boys as he has always said. No grandkids yet. I have amazing support from family friends and above all my work colleagues....they have been amazing especially my manager this has all helped me cope with the shock. I have experienced so much love from my colleagues....that's had me in tears too by lord!!!

    Being on this rollercoaster was not voluntarily's the loss of our future I am grieving for just bad is he going to suffer?? And so on and so forth.... but then I pull on my big girl pants and hope returns....with a powerful thump up the derrière!!!

    Stay's early days for you, like me.....your beauty has coped with so much already....she will cope with have helped her will help her with this....the cystectomy whilst life changing offers a cure!!! Keep thinking that...keep positive...I know it's hard. I keep telling my hubby he can be one of the 4%...that's his odds of 5year survival at his stage....gotta keep things positive.

    Sorry to ramble on....sending you and your Beauty all my healing thought!

  • FormerMember

    Dear Kazcath

    Thank you for taking the time and trouble to send me your message.

    I wish you and your husband all the best as we are both on parallel although different journeys.

  • FormerMember

    Hi dave,

    Sosorry to read that your wife has been diagnosed with an aggressive firm of bladder cancer. Ì am currently having immunotherapy on a trial for bladder cancer. I am stage 4 and like you miss the certainty we used to feel. I've cried buckets but ultimately of someone stood in front of my family me - other half and 4 children and said one of you has to have cancer, I'd have took it. Eventually this is how I rationalised it to myself. Why not me? Fingers crossed for great treatment and a good team behind you.

  • FormerMember

    Dear blueeric

    Thank you for taking the time and trouble to respond to my postings.

    If you have the time we would be interested to know more about the immunotherapy that you are having.

    All best wishes to you and your family.
