Ultrasound results

Less than one minute read time.

So it's only been 2 hours and 35 mins since I was laid having my ultrasound scan and now I'm sat trying to desipher what my GP was telling me from the scan results. I couldn't understand what she was saying or probably switched off when she mentioned a heamotolggy referral but managed to see written on the results and highlighted in bright orange 'urgent further investigation required'. She told me I would be seen within 2 weeks by haematology. I left asking do you think it could be cancer? To which she never replied. I knew things were looking bad. 

  • I am sorry that you have had an overwhelming experience today, it can be hard to know what to do when your mind has missed things from a discussion like that; I think everyone here has been though something like that. It sounds like you are in shock, and are having trouble processing incomplete and worrying information. It may be worth phoning your gp to explain that you had trouble taking in the information and would like to be reminded of it, and what you can expect next. As you have posted this as a blog rather than in one of the discussion groups, and that you don't say on what part of your body had the ultrasound, I am at a loss as to where to point you at the moment. With some more information we would be able to support better. You could post a new discussion in the New to the site part of this community where it is more likely that you'll get a helpful response. 


    If you have any questions about what you are going through, you can always phone the Macmillan helpline between the hours of 9 am and 8pm Monday to Friday 0808 808 0000 they are really lovely and helpful people there.

    I hope that you feel better soon and that a fresh day will help you see beyond the worry and uncertainty. In the mean time, here is a big hug and a wish that you get some clarity and answers soon.

  • Hi Hendo76 Something like you've experienced is always worrying - we're only human! I agree with Kalliope that asking the GP to explain what's going on, or at least what she suspects, is the way to go.

    What prompted you to go to the GP in the first place which made her order the ultrasound? Do you have a lump or other symptoms? How are you feeling at the moment?

    Do give us a bit more information and we can then see how we can help you better.

    In the meantime, put the worrying in a box for tonight and try to get some sleep.

    Big hug for you

  • FormerMember

    Guys if you read the other blogs he's posted you will get a bigger picture. Lump in neck went to gp, GP sent him away said nothing wrong. Few months later found another lump and doctor ordered tests and ultrasound. Further lumps in neck found.

  • OK thanks ParaArcher

    Hendo76 I've now read your blog posts and have a much better idea of what's going on. Sorry I didn't pick up on them before.

    You must be feeling very scared and frustrated that your GP didn't listen when you went to her the first time around. Not sure how much you can do about that (or whether you want to) but at least she's on to it now. From what you've said and the urgent orange sticker it seems possible that your lumps are cancerous - but they may not be. There are several other conditions that can cause lumps or cysts.  I'm no doctor and even a doctor couldn't say for sure without doing a biopsy of the lump. 

    Please also keep in mind that most cancer is treatable these days. This includes the common cancers that show up in the neck such as thyroid, lymphoma, and tonsil. 

    The best thing that can happen for you now is seeing a consultant. It sounds like your GP is proposing to refer you to a haematologist so keep pushing her and make sure you get an "urgent" referral so you get an appointment quickly. A couple of days after the referral letter is sent, start hassling the consultant's rooms, or hospital booking people, so they get you an early appointment. Make sure to ask your GP's office who the relevant contact is. One thing I've learnt through my cancer treatment is that you need to be an assertive patient as it's you that has your own best interests most at heart.

    In the meantime, try to avoid Dr Google as much as you can. Much of the info out there about cancer and various treatments is out of date and inaccurate and you'll only scare yourself. If you feel the need to research, stick to the reliable sites like Macmillan and Cancer Research UK and their American equivalents. If you're into scientific research papers, anything published by the NIH in the US (it'll have NIH.gov somewhere in the URL) is pretty good, but obviously individual papers won't give you the whole picture. 

    You can find plenty of support here in this forum. There are heaps of people around who have had similar experiences to yours. As a start, you might like to join the head and neck cancer groups at  community.macmillan.org.uk/.../p>

    There are also groups for the various kinds of lymphoma. Have a browse through the list of groups at community.macmillan.org.uk/.../p>

    Now, about worrying. Of course you are worried and nothing I can say will stop you worrying. However, try not to let the worrying take over your life. Keep busy, treat yourself and try to focus as much as you can on other things. One wise person on here suggested that you should get the worry out, focus on it for half an hour and then put it back in its box till the next day. I never quite managed that but I did manage to confine worrying to specific sessions.

    Wishing you all the very best. Do let us know how you go.

    Lynn xx

  • FormerMember


    Thanks guys, this blog is one of what will probably be many.

    I decided last night to begin documenting my journey as I feel it will help me through my diagnosis/ journey having somewhere to rant/ shout/cry and whatever else takes hold of me emotionally.

    I tried to create small blogs to start at the beginning and work up to present day. Rather than have one big ramble. Thought it might be easier for others to compare if they go through similar situation in the future. Hope no one has to.

    I've caught up now as from my doctor finally listening it's been a bit of a whirlwind and started to take shape quickly.

    Best regards,
