Turmeric will cure you!

3 minute read time.

Excuse the language, but will it f***!

In the 4 and a bit years I've been at this, I have lost track of the number of times I've heard the above, been linked to the above, been given articles cut out from magazines on the above. Then there's all the other things that fall into this same vein that amount to 'if you just did x, then you'll be cured.' Trying to think over them all, I've definitely had the following; If I just believed in Jesus, If I just believed in God, if I followed the teachings of Joseph Smith, if I followed the word of Mohammed, if I just got more exercise, if I just ate less meat, if I just ate more veg, if I buy this £500 for 6 drops of cannabis oil online, if I drink lemon juice, if I eat more raw food, if I stop eating processed food and refined sugar, if I stop drinking tap water, and of course eating damn turmeric wins over them all for the number of times I've been told. I think my 'favourite' one, was when the taxi driver wouldn't let me out until he has preached at me and then held my hands and prayed for my soul. Because apparently..... the devil has given me cancer, to punish me for not believing in God. If I just accepted God into my heart, then as soon as I prayed with full belief - he would cure me.

Now don't get me wrong, if you have beliefs and are religious then that is entirely your choice and I would never ever take away from that or try to demean or diminish your faith in any way. But it's just not right for me, and that's ok too. I won't force my thoughts on anyone, and I expect the same respect in return. Though I'm always up for discussing it and learning more about whatever teachings you follow and beliefs you hold - in a mutually respectful manner. I think that's healthy tbh. But this guy was proper preaching and shouting at me, demanding I accept he was right, it was kinda scary.

Anyways, back on track of the rant.... lol

Since when has it been ok to victim blame?! Because lets be honest, that's what all of these comments are doing. I understand that they are coming from a place of caring - usually, and that people don't really know what to say to 'help' or 'be there'. So when they see an article that claims that doing x will 'cure' cancer - they think it's helpful to pass it on. I'm here to tell you all now - it's not!

You've basically just told your loved one that they are only sick because they aren't eating that turmeric. That it is their fault, and they aren't trying hard enough to get well. And are choosing to be ill. Just think about that for a minute.





You see? Bet you hadn't thought of it like that before had you?! How many things have you said, or heard different to mine? Feel free to share in a comment.

None of us have chosen to be sick, and if there was an actual cure out there - then we'd ALL have taken it, and the whole world would be pushing it out by the bucketful. Fair enough, the US seems to be under the control of the big pharma companies. But the rest of the world 100% is not. So the fact that the world isn't singing on the rooftops and swinging from the chandeliers about a cure - then it doesn't exist and anything claiming to be is, honestly, BS.

I want an end to the blame culture we're living in just now, where there is always someone or something to blame for everything. Because that's just not how life works. Sometimes, things just happen. And sometimes, they are your fault and you need to own it - not blame someone else. And certainly do NOT EVER blame the victim and make out like it's their fault for whatever. Anger, denial, confusion are all natural and you need to find a way to deal. And I understand lookng for reasons and needing that understanding. But I'm afraid, sometimes, there is no reason other than 'that's life' or 'nature'.

So my advice?

You do you, ignore everyone else, and eat the damn cake/carrot/whatever it is that's going to bring you pleasure! :D (Definitely the cake for me, but only if I make it - shop bought is awful.)

  • FormerMember

    My feelings exactly. I was enjoying the relaxing beach at bournemouth whilst attending my last few wks of chemo and radiotherapy when a friensly guy came up and we started chatting.

    It eventually came round to why I was there so I told him, well, I then found out that his parents are both doctors, he is a physicist and I am being duped by the medical profession and there is a cure. 

    His parents would never have chemo as there was no need. Kind of made me feel really small and stupid for a bit. Had I got it wrong. Had I not looked in to all the treatments available, had I gone through all this pain and misery for nothing. Well NO. I made the right decision for me, it was hell to go through but it worked, I am getting stronger each day.

    if a cure has been found and it ever came out they sat in it, well all the lawsuits would be massive. 

    But for a few seconds I doubted my choices and I am angry he made me feel that way. 



  • Very pleased to hear that it worked for you and you're getting stronger each day! That alone is proof that he was talking rubbish! Long may the upward trend continue!

  • FormerMember

    Yes, as long as you have the right mind set, you can laugh at these things -as I do - but I'm sure some people believe them.

    I really love the 'big 'pharma' conspiracy, you know the one where nothing works but because they make so much money from it they're going to keep on pushing it into you, when you'd really be better of with cannabis ! Doesn't seem to occur to them to ask why 'big pharma' doesn't just move into the cannabis market!

    I must have seen around 20 consultants, goodness only knows how many other doctors, nurses etc. Etc. I have yet to meet one who I didn't believe wanted to help me 'recover' and yet I am expected to believe that every single one of them is party to a conspiracy of silence organised by 'big pharma'. Sorry but I don't, any more than I believe the advice on 'healthy eating' which is also nonsense.

    As an oncologist said to me "on balance, it seems to me to makes sense not to smoke, but after that it's down to pot luck"

  • FormerMember

    The really sad thing about this is that Macmillan are themselves part of it and don't like to be challenged. They have now engaged the services of Jane C a nutritionist, who is peddling this nonsense on her blog - yes, she mentions the obligatory tumeric ! - even though it is completely unsupported by anything other than her own opinion ( on which she clearly places great store). If I hear one more time that all you need to cure cancer is a delicious bowl of nutritious vegetable soup...........!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Robin,You're selectively quoting. Jane mentions turmeric as an ingredient in a vegetable smoothie and makes no claims about any effects it may have - apart from the fact that it 'provides a kick to the tastebuds' - here's the full post. M.