Following the TURBT operation

1 minute read time.

It is now 2 days since I had the operation to remove my bladder tumour.  Passing urine is difficult but becoming easier and not too painful and I seem to be going to the loo more frequently than before, but that all seems to be normal.  Both nights so far I have had to get up three times in the night to pee.  I had a sore throat which comes apparently from them putting a tube down the throat during the operation to help breathing.  Anyway the sore throat has now gone away.  I have been following advice and drinking a couple of litres of water each day.  Also steering clear of alcohol and reducing my intake of tea and coffee.  I have been walking each day - a couple of miles yesterday in two separate walks and more like four miles today.

I have been called for an ultrasound scan of my bladder next week and I am trying to find out why.  This was not what I had been led to believe would be the next step.  Does anyone else know why an ultrasound scan might be appropriate at this point?  I had been expecting that the next step would be to learn the result of tests on the tumour tissue removed and that would be in a couple of weeks.

  • FormerMember

    I can only assume, you are having a scan, to see if they have fully excised the tumour, it can only help, so try not to worry


  • Hi Ian64. CT or ultrasound scans are common following a TURBT. It is usually to see if all the tumour has been removed, as JanBarneyBoo says. You will not know the full story until you get your biopsy results in a couple of weeks time. They will give you a stage and grading and decide if any further treatment is needed. Best wishes.