(5) Week 3 Complete - Things really come in threes???

1 minute read time.

16 down, 4 to go.!  The 3rd week kicked off really well, I had the start of the sore throat last Friday, but  today it is like chewing razor blades and trying to swallow golf balls. I can cope with pain reasonably well, and now that I am over the mask phobia, I was feeling quite pleased with myself, especially when my nurse expected to see a nervous quivering wreck at my clinic review (Monday). She was surprised at how well I had coped, as she had obviously not really looked forward to coming to the meeting at all, in case she found that I had fallen to pieces altogether!!

So being in quite high spirits I thought I would do a bit of cleaning up around the garden during the week, only to find myself stretching to lift a sand bag which caused a tearing sensation in my lower abdomen. - Back to the Doc's - and he confirmed a hernia (right inguinal). Great !!  that now needs an operation to repair it, that is before I get my heart thing seen to. So I think (and hope) that is the three of them. It's going to be a quite interesting 2017.

It is relaxing  lying on the treatment table now, as it allows the bit of bowel. or whatever it is poking through, a chance to get itself back into place!! Certainly takes the mind off the mask! Oh!, as a final note, I was banned from taking Pink floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album, into the treatment room, because during the first track, the music goes quiet, then alarm clocks, bells etc start to fire off. The radiographers panicked thinking the machine had gone into alarm, until a technician of a similar age to me, realised what was happening.  So back to the Moody Blues ho hum!

  • FormerMember

    I smiled when I read your last paragraph.  I know that track well, it's my husband's favourite album.  I also used to like listening to music during my treatment.  My radiographers did try to ban my choice, on the grounds of poor musical taste, but I argued my case and eventually they gave in.  It always amused me to see how quickly the room emptied when they heard the first few bars of Shang A Lang by The Bay City Rollers.  

  • FormerMember

    Do you think the radiographers were singing "Bye Bye Baby", at the end of your last treatment then Margaret haha? Kids today have got no musical appreciation!! (tin hat on!) The team don't seem to warm to my Status Quo tracks very much either, but "Whatever you want"  helps get you through......... Roll on this time next week !!

  • FormerMember

    The mask is beyond disscription , just mentioning it makes my throat go dry