
1 minute read time.

So haven't posted for a while because nothing of note has happened. 

Bob the blob is now getting blasted with radio waves. 5 days in and Husband has the tickling sensation on the zapped area of skin of mild sunburn. E45 or similar has helped (thank you Hiloa for suggesting pre radio application). His first appointment ran really late but the following 4 have been close to schedule. 

He is trying to work out how many shifts are running as he hasn't had the same team for his sessions twice. He is learning how to position too - only one adjustment needed today! 

He had a couple of words with a nurse today who suggested that radio after chemo was easier for a patient to take than the reverse. For husband this seems to be the case. He had his specs on earlier in the week and upside down read part of his notes - Observe for side effects. I'm not sure what they are looking for. He has tingly fingers/feet; waxy tongue taste; is cold sensitive; but apparently has responded to treatment. Grrrrrrr. Medical folk. 

Got gazebo today so he can sit in sunny bit of garden without windy breeze. We will get some summer. 

On a side note not related to us, Met a husband and wife before last onc appointment; a couple in their retirement. We chatted as you do, her husband had spent 6 months being treated for piles before the correct diagnosis of bowel c. He's now on palliative chemo, could take only 1 week radio. She told me son accepting the news but daughter struggling. My heart breaks for the families who have been let down by poor diagnosis. 

To the Norfolk couple, I wish you fair weather and our best wishes for your journey.

