The Nine Thousand and Thirty nine Steps

5 minute read time.

Sunday morning started badly. There was an AGM meeting at 11.15 in the indoor Bowls Centre ... on Mothering Sunday!!!! Still it should only last 45 minutes to an hour. There is rarely anything that needs discussion, but if you’ve been dragged out on a Sunday morning you are not going to be in a good mood. We can predict the items which will be brought up since it is the same complaint every year – “we always play on Sunday morning so why do you put matches and competitions on then”. The same answer is given each year and the discussion drags on and on and on. This year there was a complaint about the website not being updated regularly. Well, excuse me; I was rather preoccupied fighting cancer last year! By the time the meeting finished it was 1.00pm before I left the centre.

I had shopping to do so rather than go home and cook my dinner, I had lunch at Sainsbury’s. It was much better than LM’s hospital food, but then it looks as though a Big Mac would be better than hospital food.

By the time I got home, the sun had come out and it was ideal weather for gardening. I needed to act quickly, so on went the walking boots and camera in hand I set off for a walk. Well I’m supposed to get some exercise to speed my recovery. What’s that you say? Gardening? Good exercise? Well yeassss and I will do some one day.

I try to vary my route to reduce the chance of just making it an irksome exercise (can’t believe I just typed that!) and chose to try a walk I used to take years ago. Down to the village of Rhiwderin which is supposed to nestle in the valley of birds, but has grown over the years and now straddles a main route to the M4 motorway. Any birdsong is largely drowned by the sound of traffic until you get away from the main road.

There are a number of lanes leading from the village which are pleasant to walk along with gentle slopes. When my in laws were alive we walked many times along these lanes from our house to theirs, but sadly today I’m walking alone. My intention is to walk up to five lanes and from there back to the main road.

The weather is great, with the sun shining and some clouds about. Flowers are beginning to appear and the birds are singing. And the walk is on the level, what more could I ask for?

I reach a junction where there is a lane leading up the slope and not sure which route to take I opt for the level road. Not the one I intended, but I didn’t realise that until I was too far along, so instead of being a circular route it was going to be a there and back one.

The road was flanked by fields on either side with horses in the fields and the sign said it was the route to Pentre Tai farm. As I approached the farm, I noticed what a large number of windows the building had and thought “What a large family the farmer must have”! Then I saw the B&B sign, and there were also caravans parked nearby.

There were also Shetland ponies nearby, but too far away to take a picture. Passers-by pointed to a gate where I could gain access to the fields on a public footpath. I thanked them and waited til they were out of sight before walking on. Well there was mud in the field and I didn’t want to get my new walking boots dirty.

I was overtaken by a husband & wife walking their dog. I assumed they were husband and wife, but you never know these days do you? We exchanged greetings and the dog wasn’t left out. Imagine my surprise when five minutes later I met them coming back. I asked them was it just a short stroll. I know I’m into short strolls too, but you know that superior feeling when you know you are going to walk farther than someone else! I was told there were dogs down there and the wife didn’t want to walk past them!?!

Cowards I thought and walked on.

As I approached a farm entrance I heard the loudest barking and growling I have heard since watching the Hound of the Baskervilles. The notice on the gate said quite clearly “Warning Guard Dogs”. And the guard DOG was clearly visible, stood on the roof of his kennel, barking and with that look in his eyes which said Lunch has arrived. I didn’t stop to take a picture but walked swiftly by on the other side of the road, hoping that he was securely tethered.

I met another couple walking their dog and they told me that there was a nice walk along the river then across the fields to Rogerstone, but it was getting late and the sun was setting so I decided to walk as far as the River.

 The river Ebbw used to have salmon in it, but when collieries further up the valley installed coal washeries, the effluent turned the river into a black smelly sludge. The environment agency have done a great job of cleaning this river and you can now see the river bed and I’m told fish are coming back, but I haven’t seen any.

I returned home the way I had come and as I approached Rhiwderin I noticed the black clouds coming in. The rain didn’t start until I had reached the bottom of our hill. It takes me about 15 minutes to get home from there and I got soaked to the skin. So much for my waterproof jacket.

The sun was still shining brightly as this heavy downpour continued and we were rewarded with a bright rainbow. As usual the end of the rainbow was not in my garden so no pot of gold.

Checking my step counter I had done a tad over 9039 steps or about 5 miles. I felt very virtuous, my bllod sugar was good and I took a well deserved rest.

Well it was raining so I couldn’t do the garden, could I?

  • You were not avoiding gardening at all but out seeking inspiration from nature what a lovely walk what a very long walk think I've only managed a 3 mile or just over walk since my op so I am well impressed.Sorry you got drenched on the last leg and that the rainbow saw fit to end in someone else's garden.i have really enjoyed your blog it is so descriptive as for guard dog he would run a mile if he knew about your wolves Cruton xxx
  • FormerMember

    Oh what a lovely blog Colin, I really enjoyed it. 

    My you are fit 'cos I only do 2 to 3 miles with the dog and think i've climbed a mountain tee hee.

    ooo it's annoying when you get caught in a shower and then it goes off when you get in grrrr.

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    A lovely read, Colin ....... I could picture the scene in my mind's eye. Maybe you should write some more travelogues ? Hope you find that pot of gold next time !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    That was lovely Odin,  I don't believe you were walking it alone because you invited us all to go with you and I enjoyed it very much.

    Love Ruby xxx

  • FormerMember

    You've taken the wind out of my sails.  I was so flippin' mad at everything until I read your blog.  You've just reminded me to be kind to myself and bask in the joy you find.  Thank you x