
  • A new system


    So hopefully by now you will have noticed that Macmillan has a new Volunteering system as i mentioned in my very first post. 


    Now change can be daunting and scary so i thought i'd talk you through how to do it. You dont have to agree to any opportunities straight away but just being nosey is always a good thing. 

    So firstly assuming your computer is on and you aren't just reading…

  • So how did i get started?


    I've been meaning to do this for a while and never getting a chance. I am the online community facilitator for We Give Our Time which i do as a voluntary post at Macmillan. 

    That means the views i hold are my own and if it is concerning volunteering at Macmillan I promise to check my facts or state where its opinion only. 

    I wanted people to be able to read what it is like to be a volunteer, how others got started…