Second Chemo cycle done [5 to go], time for another update

1 minute read time.

Not entirely certain I'm not in the midst of a technical glitch, but I'll press on anyway, despite it being very difficult to type with fingers crossed!

Sit rep: second cycle accomplished on the 30th of June. I was in hopes that the state I got into following the first cycle wouldn't be as awful this second time around, my reasoning being the first was in the period when the worst of side effects of my Radiotherapy treatment were starting to be manifest. Well, that wasn't so at all; on the day of treatment I felt pretty good until about 21.30 when the aches in the bones were very uncomfortable, despite being all over my analgesia, and I had to go to bed, lying still until they eased off and I fell asleep. Woke early and had to take oramorph to get more rest until 08.30 when I had to get up and take the slow release morphine and paracetamols, etc. Didn't  by really get on top of the aches and pains although they lessened a little later in  the afternoon, but by 19.00 was in the worst of it again, and by 20.00 I needed to be in bed again but I couldn't get my body temperature up, and shivered in bed under the summer throw and two blankets, finally dozing off after what seemed like an age. Third day, with some oramorph I managed to rest up until 09.00 then got up. Now, early evening, and I'm much more able to get ahead of the pain, relieved to be over the worst. I wonder whether this is what's going to occur with each treatment? I hope they will lessen.

  • Much better, thank you for asking; that episode was a real shake up, leading to my wife and I speaking to one of the specialist cancer nurses about my then analgesia regime not coping, i.e. I was trying to catch up with the aches and pains rather than staying ahead of them. She, thankfully, contacted Mountbatten Nurses, one of whom arranged to see me regarding palliative care. She was very helpful when we met, and suggested a couple of tweaks to my analgesia regime which worked so well that the last few weeks I have been overall much more like my old self, capable of doing more, less fatigued, and generally happier as a result. A noticeable improvement to my 'quality of life' over the six weeks prior to that. I'm scheduled for the third treatment next week, and at least I know what to expect, we'll see how I go this time.