vital's APC blog

  • Earwig-o again: time for six … or not, as the case might be

    Am writing this just ahead of my sixth cycle of chemo to keep you up to speed. After my last scribble-drivel there was an episode: eight days ago I was feeling really crook [as the antipodeans like to say], whereas I had been expecting the worst side...
  • Five down, five to go

    Tuesday: into Hamwic House for the blood sample, counting down to the next chemo cycle, only a few minutes’ waiting then the business and then home. Before three hours passed I get a notification mail that something has been added to ‘My ...
  • An addendum to cycle 4

    Thursday was the drip, then Friday feeling pretty much as I was after cycle 3, Saturday I felt that tiredness all day and some woolly-headedness, nevertheless decided I was going to be well enough to go fly fishing on the Sunday. How wrong could I ha...
  • 4th Chemo cycle - update by our valiant reporter

     Treatment, like the current heatwave in the south, continues: here I am reporting on August, winding up for the fourth cycle of docetaxel chemotherapy [and zoledronic acid]. Blood sample: tick [PSA 12, down from 14]. Telephone clinic consultati...
  • Third Chemo - live blog!

    Hardly what used to be known as a "live outside broadcast" but what exactly is it called when you are making notes "as it happens"?  Took the four little tablets 12, 3, and 1 hours ago (4 each time), and now I'm sitting i...