More time down the toilet! Is it just continuing bad luck?

1 minute read time.

 Sometimes it is hard to get clarity on things that just happen. Found out yesterday that it's not only my doctors' surgery that has time-wasting cock-ups, they happen at the University Hospital too. I suppose the latter wasn't as bad as the first, because only two weeks were wasted, whereas the surgery managed to cause my diagnosis to be delayed by six weeks. Never mind, still frustrating, once again giving the feeling that I'm still waiting for stuff to happen. I should have attended two appointments in the next ten days as originally planned, but now they spin into January instead. The reason/explanation I was given by the APCSN when responding to my voicemail about missing medication was "... Pharmacy didn't pick it up ...", but hey-ho, the Apalutamide should arrive tomorrow, only a fortnight later than it was supposed to. I strive for as much optimism as I can muster, conscious that I ought to try to make my remaining days 'good ones' as best as I can, but  delays of a total of eight weeks when I should of been receiving certain treatments... yes, that's 56 days ... means  they could actually have been better, but that's hindsight for you.
